Home link Ragnarok Engineering
Yorkshire Dales in winter


"Tread gently on the earth"

Evidence suggests that the limiting factors for group survival will probably be about child bearing women making it through, and the practical skills transfer from older people before they pass away!   This will not be easy, and it is the work of everyone to help facilitate it. – There will be climatic stress, electricity gone, health care gone and very limited diet. There might be radiation. Wild life will also be very stressed, so opportunities for hunting will be very poor.   Homesteads near cities will suffer from hungry gangs raiding for food.   A very bleak situation, but there will be some survivors – and from these will come the seeds of the next root-race after 'Ragnarok', whatever name we call it.

The aim of Ragnarok Engineering is to help by providing simple background heating (or cooling) that continues to work without fuel or electricity, so does not use up valuable fuel which will be needed for cooking and boiling water.   It is a transition tool.   A specific rural solution to what will be a general problem.

Regardless of how long it takes to engineer this heat pump into production, it is strongly suggested that people who take survival seriously, should quietly move their families and livelihood far away from the cities and as close to the land as possible.

Learn practical skills like food production, traditional cooking and herbal medicine. Practical skills like blacksmithing, woodwork, pottery and weaving – especially with hand tools.   Buy books on self-sufficiency, not Kindle but paper books. Teach all this to the kids.

In effect you will have two parallel lives – The contemporary technology world is the world we live in, and is the source of our income, but it is a bubble waiting to burst.   And parallel to this we can build a love for the traditional way of doing things.


Historically, great changes have occurred, both positive and negative, when two factors came together...   Now also there are two big factors:

  1. The destruction of traditional farming
  2. The excessive reliance on electronic infrastructure
Farming is not like any other business enterprise, it is the primary industry of our civilization, our source of food. When farming replaced the hunter / gatherer style of livelihood, it was with considerable caution. But with empathy and respect for nature, and husbandry traditions built up over millennia, farming has been sustainable.   Upon this base, all other industries and occupation are built. Without food, we all perish. The population is now far too large to go back to hunting and gathering, even if we still have the skills.   Nature works in cycles, plants and animals together, certain plants protect other plants from parasites, all in harmony together.   But when this is replaced by agriculture as an aggressive business, monoculture farming, big land owners interested only in their financial investments and detached from what farming is supposed to be. This has become a massive vulnerability now.

Compounding with this is the rapid replacement in our society of all systems and energy application by electrical and electronic equipment, which is all vulnerable to electromagnetic solar storms. Our vulnerability with this cannot have gone unnoticed by hostile agents either, and EMP weapons are known to have been developed. Ironically, the rush to save CO2 has only exacerbated our vulnerability.

We cannot predict what the trigger will be, but 'collapse' has become inevitable. When it does happen these two factors together will surely bring down our current civilization.   Tragic though this is, not all will perish, there will be survivors. The traditional rural village behind a mountain growing their own food will continue no-doubt, but the high tech city dwellers will suffer a lot.

Earth Spirit 


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